At your door, all inclusive service using natural products. Our Mobile Grooming Salon comes directly to your home or office. All of the products we use are premium, hypoallergenic, and safe to use with flea & tick products. Aromatherapy harnesses the healing power of essential plant oils to comfort your pet throughout their grooming experience.
In the bathtub
Facial Cleanser
Soothes and balances the skin. Naturally exfoliating, it removes dirt, helps with tear stains, and does not irritate the eyes.
Cleansing with Massage and Rinse as many times as needed.
Gentle products, even to eliminate bacteria, fungus or parasites, that maintain the skin & coats natural balance - your pets first defense.
Hydration with Massage and Rinse
Products are selected specifically for your pets skin & coat such as Argan, Jojoba oil & more.
Ear Flush
If needed for extra waxy ears. Veterinary Formula.
Towel Dry
There’s always a fresh clean towel (or 3) for each dog. I also keep a supply of happy hoodies to safely secure cotton balls in their ears during the drying process. Most dogs appreciate the extra comfort, and it also helps to absorb some water from their head.
On the table
Hand Dry & Fluff
To carefully monitor your pet during the drying process and provide that beautiful, lasting finish. Short Coated dogs go through a de-shedding process at this time
Ear Cleaning & Deodorizing
Presoaked pads are used to wipe out healthy ears of normal wax and dirt, if any is left after the bathing/flushing process in the tub.
Depending on your dogs grooming frequency, health, temperament, etc, I use nail clippers to trim longer nails, Then I use a cordless dremel to file and smooth the nail if your dog is ok with that. I also have a glass file I use with the more timid dogs.
Mouth Inspection
I always look in your pets mouth to inspect their teeth and gums during their grooming. I try to alert you to anything you should see your vet for, or let you know it’s “normal'“. I then use presoaked dental pads to gently wipe the surface of your dogs teeth, removing any food or soft tartar from that day. It might also help freshen up their breath a little!
Fragrance & Accessory
Spray perfume, oil finish, and an accessory such as neck tie, flower, bow tie, etc.
Includes full body trim to your specifications including sanitary areas.
Lots of love
& healthy little treats are provided as a reward for a positive experience with your permission.
Grooming Report Card
This will be given to you after our session to inform you of anything important related to your dogs health.
*This is all included in your pets grooming experience. The products are selected based on your pets individual needs based on coat type, condition, health, allergies, etc.
Star enjoys her Mineral Foot Soak & CBD Bath Bomb with SPAW Day
Get those toxins out of itchy toes with our mineral foot soak. Dirt, allergens, and toxins soak away to give relief during allergy season especially.
The CBD Bath Bombs are my newest add on service! The ultimate in relaxation on your pups spa day. Made with baking soda, arrowroot powder, cream of tartar, avocado oil, lavender and tea tree essential oils, and 25 mg CBD in each 4oz bath bomb. Also wonderful for stinky, itchy paws, and getting rid of fleas naturally.